


Customer Testimonials

Learn more about NFIB member IDT by watching a recent interview of IDT's President, Michael F. Nolfo conducted by GOA.

See how Synovate, a leader in Global Market Research, worked with IDT to make their survey and data collection business process more efficient through the use of Enterprise Document Capture from IDT!

VP and CTO of Bekins Van Lines dramatically improves upon the way it conducts daily business with its network of 200+ independent moving agents using CAPSYS CAPTURE - Web Based Document Capture from IDT!

Second VP of Treasury Management at American Chartered Bank in Schaumburg, IL, revamps its Remote Deposit Capture solution for its 600+ Merchants using a Web-based, Software as a Service solution from Eastman Kodak and IDT!

Contact us for more information on our company and our enterprise content management services. We are based in Itasca, Illinois, and serve clients nationwide.

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